PRAVIK AAGARTA-Class Scout Vessel: A new T5™ design

INTRODUCTIONThe Pravik Aagarta-class is a relatively recent design, created by IISS administrators and ship design teams after decades, even centuries, of input from Scouts and Scout Teams. Much of this input was in the form of complaints along the lines of, "There isn't enough room on scout/couriers for long-term planetary-based missions", and "How in hell … Continue reading PRAVIK AAGARTA-Class Scout Vessel: A new T5™ design

Magnadon-Class Provincial Transport: A FASA™ / T5 Conversion

INTRODUCTIONThank you for checking out my blog! I appreciate you stopping by.In the 1980s, FASA™ published a number of boxed sets for use with Classic Traveller,™ containing a number of very interesting ship designs, deck plans included. While the designs contained within them can be used 'as is' with many of the later versions of Traveller™ … Continue reading Magnadon-Class Provincial Transport: A FASA™ / T5 Conversion

FASA’S Trader-Class Transport – Another T5 Ship Conversion

INTRODUCTIONThank you for checking out this blog! I appreciate you stopping by.In the 1980s, FASA™ published a number of boxed sets for use with Classic Traveller™ (CT), containing a number of very interesting ship designs, maps included. While the designs contained within them can be used 'as is' with many of the later versions of … Continue reading FASA’S Trader-Class Transport – Another T5 Ship Conversion

FASA’s Explorer-class Survey Cruiser; another T5 Conversion

FASA™'S Adventure Class Ships was a series of ship resources published during the 1980s in support of Traveller™. These products detailed a variety of ships: merchants, scouts, yachts, patrol craft, military vessels. Obviously, these were designed with Classic Traveller™ and/or High Guard rules from the era. These designs can be readily used with current published … Continue reading FASA’s Explorer-class Survey Cruiser; another T5 Conversion

The Classic XBoat, another T5 Conversion

INTRODUCTIONEstablished in Imperial Year 624, the Express Boat, or Xboat, System links the Imperium through a network of small communications ships along specific routes. The speed of communication across this network enables messages to reach the Imperial fringes from Capital (or vice versa) in well under a year, compared to the nearly four years required … Continue reading The Classic XBoat, another T5 Conversion

Let’s Design a T5 Ship – Smuggling Scout, anyone?

The Traveller5 [T5] ship design process appears daunting to many who peruse the rules. Indeed, they could be trimmed somewhat (don't ask me precisely how; I'm not a writer or editor). But with a little work, and perhaps an example or two, I believe it isn't that difficult to get through. With this in mind … Continue reading Let’s Design a T5 Ship – Smuggling Scout, anyone?

Psionic Training – A T5 Character Generation Option

The Traveller5 character generation rules have a large number of options for players to choose, everything from Nobles, to Marines, to Space Pirates, to Artists and Scientists, to the stereotypical Rogues. One option that is distinctly lacking is pursuit of Psionics. Given the nature of the official background setting, which is highly intolerant (at best) … Continue reading Psionic Training – A T5 Character Generation Option